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When you copy your artwork, a Not enough memory warning message appears. After you click OKIllustrator crashes. Update Illustrator. When you reset preferences, the previous preferences file is saved as Adobe Illustrator Prefs. If you are unable to get to the above settings, delete the preferences folder and relaunch Illustrator. Join Adobe Illustrator community to learn more about troubleshooting tips from our expert users and provide your guidance to others.

Legal Tutorial menggunakan adobe illustrator cs3 free Online Privacy Policy. Adobe Illustrator Features What’s New. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Learn how to fix an Illustrator crash tutorial menggunakan adobe illustrator cs3 free to memory issues. To fix this issue, perform the steps illusteator below:. Update Illustrator to the latest version. Reset Illustrator preferences. Restart Illustrator. In the Primary and Secondary lists, choose disks with enough space.

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When you reset preferences, the previous preferences file is saved as Adobe Illustrator Prefs. If you are unable to get to the above settings, delete the preferences folder and relaunch Illustrator.

Join Adobe Illustrator community to learn more about troubleshooting tips from our expert users and provide your guidance to others.

Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Adobe Illustrator Features What’s New. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Learn how to fix an Illustrator crash due to memory issues. To fix this issue, perform the steps given below:.

Update Illustrator to the latest version. Reset Illustrator preferences. Gradient Tool Applies a gradient fill to a selected part of the image or to an entire layer. Select an area you wish to apply gradient to, click the tool button, choose a fill in the Options bar, click on the starting point, hold the mouse down and drag to the end point. Select an area where you wish to apply the tool. Click the tool button, choose the Brush, Mode, and Strength.

Drag the brush along the edges. Dodge Tool Lightens areas in an image. Select the area where you wish to apply the tool. Choose the Brush, Range, and Exposure. Click on the spots you wish to highlight. Type Tool Types text on a page. Every time you click the Type Tool on a new portion of the page a new layer will be created. Select the tool, click anywhere on the path. Select the tool, click on the page and begin to type. You can specify the font and size in the Options bar.

You can also resize and transform the text box by dragging the squares at the sides and corners. Use the Move Tool to move the text on the page. Pen Tool Draws smooth-edged paths. Select the tool, click on the page, drag to draw a path. Click and drag the anchor points to modify the path. Rectangle Tool Draws a rectangle shape.

Select the tool, click and drag on the page to draw a shape. The shape will be automatically filled with the current foreground color. Usually used for electronic text edits. Select the tool, click on the spot on the page where you wish to make a comment. Type in the text box. Eyedropper Tool Takes color samples from colors on the page and displays them in the Color Boxes. Select the tool, click on the color in the image you wish to sample. The Color Box will display this color.

Hand Tool Allows you to move around within the image. Select the tool, click on the spot on the page, hold the mouse button down, drag to move in the area. Magnifying Glass Tool Magnifies or reduces the display of any area in your image window. Select the tool, choose Zoom In or Zoom Out in the Options bar, click on the area of the image you wish to magnify or reduce. The background color appears in the lower box and represents an inactive color. To change the foreground color, click the upper color selection box in the toolbox.

To change the background color, click the lower color selection box in the toolbox. To reverse the foreground and background colors, click the Switch Colors icon the arrow in the toolbox. To restore the default foreground and background colors, click the Default Colors icon the little black and white boxes in the toolbox. NOTE: If you are using the Gradient Tool, the currently selected foreground and background colors will be the default colors of the gradient.

Cropping helps to bring out the most important features in your image and focus the viewers’ attention on these features. Cropping also allows you to make your image a standard photo size. There are several ways to crop images in Adobe Photoshop: 1. Cropping with the Crop Tool 2. Cropping to a specific size 3. To crop with the Crop Tool, follow these steps: 1. Click on your image once and drag the mouse out to make a cropping border Fig. Cropping border Adobe Photoshop CS3 21 4.

Resize the border by dragging the squares at the sides and corners till you are satisfied with the way your image looks. NOTE: You can also rotate your cropping border. Move the cursor outside the border, you will see how it turns into a double-headed arrow Fig. Drag the arrows in the directions you wish to rotate your selection. Rotating the cropping border 5. To crop an image to a specific size, do the following: 1.

Open the image you wish to crop. Select the Crop Tool from the Toolbox. In the Options bar, specify the values for Width and Height Fig. Crop Tool Options bar 4. Click in your image and drag the cropping border. Notice that the border is constrained – you cannot make it wider or longer than the specified values Figure 4.

For example, if you entered 8 for Width and 10 for Height, whatever size you make the border, the area within it will fit on an 8×10 photo. Adobe Photoshop CS3 22 Fig. Cropping to a specific size 5.

To crop with the Marquee Tool, follow the steps below: 1. Click in your image and drag the mouse to draw a marquee around the area you wish to crop Figure 5. Drawing a marquee Adobe Photoshop CS3 23 4. The image will be immediately cropped. In the New dialog box, click on the Preset dropdown menu. You will see several preset sizes, such as 2×3, 4×6, 5×7, 8×10 with the preset resolution of ppi Fig.

Preset size in the New dialog box 3. Choose the size that you wish and click OK. NOTE: All the preset sizes are in portrait orientation. If you wish to resize an image with the landscape orientation, you need to create your own preset. To create your own size, do the following: 1. Type in the values for Width and Height, for example 7×5. Type in your desired resolution ppi is enough for high quality printing, and 72 ppi is good for the web images.

When printed, the photos with the changed size will look pixilated. To resize the digital photos without loosing the quality, follow these steps: 1. Open the digital photo you wish to resize. You will be able to see the dimension of your photo Fig.

Dimensions of a digital photo – Type in your desired resolution anything between and ppi. The photo is now 6. Adobe Photoshop CS3 26 Fig. Changing resolution. However, just increasing the dimensions will make the image appear blurry and pixilated. To enlarge the image without loosing the quality, follow these steps: 1.

Open the digital image you wish to enlarge. Increasing the size by 10 percent 4. Change the Document Size measurements to Percent. Type in ; this will increase the size of the image by 10 percent Fig. Adobe Photoshop CS3 27 5. Continue enlarging by 10 percent till you are satisfied with the size. In Photoshop, you can correct these problems, as well as adjust the overall color of your digital photo. To remove the “red eye”, follow the steps below: 1. Open a photo you wish to correct.

Select the Zoom Tool from the Toolbox. Click and drag to draw a rectangle around the eye Fig. Red eye zoomed in 3. Make sure your default Foreground and Background colors are black and white Fig.

Foreground and Background colors set to black and white 4. Adobe Photoshop CS3 29 5. Click on the red and paint, holding down the mouse button. You will see how the red will disappear Fig.

Red eye corrected 6. Repeat the steps for the other eye. To correct this problem, follow the steps below: 1. Open the photo you wish to correct.

Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the Toolbox. Setting the options for the Clone Stamp Tool 4. Set the Opacity to 50 percent. Choose a soft-edged brush, set the diameter to 40 or 50 Fig. Adobe Photoshop CS3 30 Fig. Brush settings 6. Clone Stamp selection 7.

Paint over the “hot spot”, the light area will gradually darken Fig. To fix underexposed photos, follow these steps: 1. Open a digital photo you wish to correct Fig. Underexposed photo 2. In the Duplicate Layer dialog box, name the layer Layer 1. Make sure Layer 1 is selected in the Layers palette. The whole image will lighten.

Keep duplicating Layer 1 till you are satisfied with the quality of your image Fig. To color correct your images, follow these steps: 1. Open the image you wish to correct. You will see a dialog box displaying a diagram of the colors in your image Fig.

The black triangle is for shadows, the gray is for midtones, the white is for highlights. These indicate whether your changes effect all the colors, or just one red, green, or blue. Levels dialog box Adobe Photoshop CS3 33 3. Make sure the Preview box is checked off. Choose the channel you wish to change and drag the triangles.

Dragging the black triangle to the right will make the shadows in your photo darker; dragging the white triangle to the left will make the highlights in your photo lighter; dragging the gray triangle to the left will make the midtones in your photo lighter, dragging it to the right will make the midtones darker.

You will be able to see the changes in your image Fig. Selecting just one color channel can alter the color of your photo completely. Initial image Fig.

To sharpen your photo, follow the steps below: 1. Open an image you wish to sharpen. Note that this technique can sharpen images that are only slightly blurry. You will see the Unsharp Mask dialog box Fig. Unsharp Mask dialog box 4. Enter for the Amount, 1 for the Radius, and 3 for the Threshold. Click OK. You will see how the image has become more in focus. To soften am image, follow these steps: 1.

Open the image you wish to soften. Adobe Photoshop CS3 35 2. You will have a new layer called Background Copy. In the Gaussian Blur dialog box, type in 4. Gaussian Blur 4.


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